Risk & Compliance Summer School 2023, Managementul Conformității și Recâștigarea Încrederii

Școala de vară din Amsterdam este un curs unic organizat de Risk & Compliance Platform Europe privind managementul conformității și recâștigarea încrederii.


Risk & Compliance Platform Europe vă oferă un curs de vară unic prin care puteți:

  • să vă amplificați și aprofundați cunoștințele ;
  • să învațați din cazuri practice;
  • să împărtășiți experiența cu colegii; și
  • să vă extindeți network-ul cu profesioniști internaționali de înaltă calitate

Veți întâlni profesioniști internaționali care provin din țările acoperite de Risk & Compliance Platform Europe (în principal Europa) și veți avea ocazia să împărtășiți cele mai bune practici, să faceți brainstorming idei, să învățați noi metodologii și să aplicați direct noi instrumente la exercițiile practice.

Acest curs de vară va avea loc în orașul Amsterdam în cadrul unui program de două zile. Lectorii au o gamă largă de experiență profesională în domeniul lor dedicat, cursurile incluzând atât teorie cât și ateliere practice.

Cui se adresează cursul

Școala de vară este deschisă oricărei persoane care are experiența în domeniul conformității, în principal directori, ofițeri de conformitate / manageri, profesioniști seniori în domeniul riscului și conformității și avocaților.

Locația evenimentului

Școala de vară va avea loc la frumoasa clădire Capital C din Amsterdam, unde se află sediul Risk & Compliance Platform Europe. În seara primei zile, ne vom bucura cu toții de o excursie privată cu barca, care va include o cină ușoară, prin canalele Amsterdamului. De asemenea, prezintă o oportunitate fantastică de a vă extinde rețeaua într-un mod informal, inclusiv în timpul prânzului.

Școala noastră de vară interactivă interesantă va avea loc pe 6 și 7 iulie 2023 la clădirea Capital C din Amsterdam. Pentru mai multe informații despre program, lectori și înscriere, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul evenimentului: https://www.riskcompliancesummerschool.com/


Data :06-07-2023
Timp:09.30 hours - 17.00 hours
Zile:2 days
Locație:Capital C, Amsterdam
Price€ 1450 euros, VAT Excluded


An Gaiser

An Gaiser is a specialist in non-verbal profiling and investigative interviewing. She works as a consultant, specialising in non-verbal analysis work in the context of culture change and fraud detection. She previously worked at the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) for eight years as a security and integrity clearance officer and trainer.

Therus de Villeneve

Therus de Villeneve is the Principal Teacher of University of Amsterdam Academy for Banks and Insurance companies. Therus is an experienced Compliance Officer in the Financial Industry in investing, banking and insurance. He speaks Compliance, CRM and MiFID.

René van den Bosch

René van den Bosch is an experienced independent legal consultant advising companies on regulatory compliance and related investigations. He started his career as a financial economic crime investigator at the FIOD and assistant public prosecutor in the corporate fraud team of the Dutch Public Prosecutor’s Office in Amsterdam.

Ingrid Gacci

Ingrid Gacci is the Director of the Italian website of the Risk & Compliance Platform Europe. She is in charge of the strategy and the business development. Ingrid started her career in the banking sector in Italy and then she moved to The Netherlands where she worked among others as Deputy Director at the Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo and set up the Compliance & AML Dept. She has an extensive experience in payments, audit, controlling, governance, risk and compliance.

Michael van Woerden

Michael is founder and Managing Director of DeComplianceMonitor. He has extensive experience in the field of (integrity) risk management, compliance, legal, and governance, providing guidance and advice for a wide range of companies, (semi) governmental organisations, and supervisory authorities. He served as compliance monitor and independent expert on behalf of the World Bank.

Mark Worth

Mark Worth is the Executive Director of Whistleblowing International since October 2019. Mark is also the Executive Director for the European Center for Whistleblower Rights (since January 2018), Co-Founder of the Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection (since June 2015), and a Visiting Faculty and Lecturer at the International Anti-Corruption Academy in Vienna. He designs and teaches master’s and introductory courses in whistleblower protection, with a team of international experts.

Caroline Raat

Author, researcher, educator, consultant and lawyer

Dr. Caroline Raat (PhD, LLM in Constitutional Law, socio-legal studies and legal theory, MA in public administration, Certificate in Psychology) works as an author, researcher, educator, consultant and lawyer in, among others, integrity and organisational behaviour, and constitutional law. As IRM Researcher for Open Government Partnership, she wrote several reports. Her publications have been about Power, Administrative Law, Freedom of Information, and Integrity Issues. Recently, she finalised the Handbook Ethics and Integrity for Public Sector Lawyers. Caroline Raat is a Registered Lecturer under Dutch Law.

Jan van Koningsveld

Jan van Koningsveld is the founder of the Offshore Knowledge Centre. The Offshore Knowledge Centre, established in 2011, is a highly specialised company in the field of financial (offshore) services. For over 25 years, Jan worked as an investigator at the Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD), the investigation service of the Dutch tax authorities.

Wendy van Koningsveld

Wendy van Koningsveld

As the daughter of a FIOD detective, Wendy was taught to investigate at a young age. After a career in various advisory, sales and management positions at SNS bank and a training institute, she started training to become a private investigator in 2010. After successful completion, she joined Jan in the Offshore Knowledge Center.

Claudia Zimmermann

Since mid-March 2019, Claudia Zimmermann has been responsible for the German-language content of the Risk & Compliance Platform Europe. Claudia is a well-known German TV, radio and print journalist. She has been working as an investigative reporter and book author for three years and is mainly concerned with financial topics and future developments.